“Remarkable Women of the Central West” book published by Karlyn Robinson

Our society is very fortunate to have a great depth of family history members who have had books published. The latest publication by Karlyn Robinson is, as the title states, “Remarkable Women of the Central West”.   This book has the stories of over thirty women who were either early pioneers, at the forefront of change in their era, or community minded women.   No doubt there are hundreds of other women who would be worthy of being in this book.  Just a few of the women in this publication are Sarah Graham of Dilladerry, Teresa Maliphant  of Dubbo,  Colleen McCullough of Wellington, Hannah Morris of Gilgandra and Betty Munro of Grenfell and Cumnock.   This well illustrated book can be purchased from Dubbo & District Family History Society for $45+postage $5.50, or in the family history rooms when open.